In simple words, While defending perpetrators of international rights abuses is a popular thread that runs across almost all contemporary governments, who they endorse and just how much they endorse changes dramatically based on the democratic environment. For example, if a US adversary was abusing human rights, we would undoubtedly be outspoken in our assistance, but if a US ally was doing so, we would likely only turn a blind eye.
Gender of campers
Confounding variable may be explained as a that variable which is unaccounted for in our experiment and goes on to cause a spurious relationship between the measured and predicted variables in the experiment. This is possible because the unaccounted for variable has a relationship between the variables which are being researched. Confounding variable here is the gender of campers, Using a certain capper gender to generalize on all campers will likely have a Confounding effect on our output as gender effect of the campers may differ.
There was no uniform currency, states had too much power national government had nothing. there was no military/protection other than what the states could afford themselves. there were no taxes so funding was hard.
Byzantine empire:
B. centered on Constantinople
C. Greek was the official language.
E. Eastern Orthodox Church
Roman empire:
A. centered on Rome
D. Latin was the official language.
F. Roman Catholic Church