Boreal forest
The boreal forest is a biome that is found in the Northern Hemisphere. It is located between the temperate forests and the tundra. These forests are dominated by coniferous trees. The climate is continental, with the winters being very cold and snowy, while the summers are pleasant with mild temperatures. The animals that live in these forests are the elk, moose, deer, wolverines, wolves, black bears, mink, foxes, lynx, among others. All these animals have special adaptations that enable them to live in this biome. They all have thick fur for most of the year, only shedding slightly during the summer.Their paws tend to winder and have goo isolation so that they can walk easily on the snow and avoid frostbite. It is not a biome that has very big diversity in flora and fauna, but it is not a one that lacks in it as well.
The cold currents often form when the air on the subtropical high blows over a cold mass of water, then the cold air is dragged to the equator. Warm currents, on the other hand, are large masses of warm water moving further away from the equator, at higher temperatures.
The relationship of latitude to climate zones is due to solar radiation which is greatest near the Equator and lesser moving to the poles.
The main sources are humans which is why it is stated that the global warming is man made. The levels have increased beyond all measure, increasing since the 1950s by a 100 CO2 parts per million, and it keeps increasing by 2ppm on a yearly basis. The statistics from the industrial revolution era are not much different and show how much we've increased the CO2 in modern times.
Some of the animals present in Russia are tiger, leopard, snow leopard, Pallas's cat, grey wolf, dohl, brown bear, red squirrel, wild boar, saiga, Eurasian elk, walrus, Eurasian beaver, and many more.