Checks and balances
Polybius was widely known as a Greek historian. In his analysis of a mixed constitution or the separation of powers in government, he concluded that the strength of Rome's constitutional division of powers is "Check and Balances."
This he explained that the act of spreading power out and giving various offices a particular function, the Romans formed checks and balances that ensured an orderly interdependence by prohibiting government excess and decentralizing power.
Mississippi is a state of the southeast United States. There are many famous Native American tribes whose territories and homelands once located in Mississippi River Valley.
Native Americans had a culture in the Mississippi valley before the European conquest, by maize cultivation and trade for their society. The city centre of the Mississippi culture known as Cahokia, which reached its peak between the 10th and the 14th century. Numerous settlements located near the river managed trade networks that stretched to all direction of North America.
The arrival of the European settlers abused the balance of power among Indian nations (Appalachian). Many Indian tribes forced to move west and to settle in the Mississippi valley.
The names of the Mississippi tribes included the Biloxi, Choctaw, Dakota Sioux, Ibitoupa, Natchez, Okelousa, Pensacola, Chickasaw, Quapaw, Taposa, Tiou, etc.
They planted crops of pumpkins, corn, beans, and squash and also gathered wild foods such as fruit, roots, and nuts. They made sap in maple trees. They were also engaged in hunting and warfare.
Letters A and C. Let us understand why:
European maritime expansion has created new trade routes, connecting many parts of the world, but commercial interest was the main reason.
In the European markets, which flourished during the Late Middle Ages, the sale of spices and other Oriental goods provided very high profits to merchants. Silk fabrics, porcelains and a number of condiments, such as cloves, pepper, and cinnamon, used for food preservation, met a large number of buyers.
We can tell day and nigth pretty much almost anywhere like libarys,houses,schools etc