C Feasting and praying
The Romans celebrated Valentine's day by feasting and a roman festival.
The principle will be Equality, Justice, and Liberty.
Democracy throughout the U.S is guided by three values around which the country's economic socio-political structure is founded: liberty, freedom, and fairness (justice).
- The nation, therefore, advocates equality for all its people, seeing this right as that of the privilege of every male and female to determine their respective existence without even any restriction whatsoever. To do this, it is the role of the government as well as the legislation treat everyone equally reasonably, that is, there was no other advantage than economic worth.
- Ultimately, the convergence of both principles means the creation of a just society in which the honest is compensated as well as the incorrect is persecuted and in which the fruit of each dedication and commitment is received.
Answer: He was younger than 14 and had to wait on officers and was assigned to have a gun to carry a cartridge.
A traditional type of Scandinavian architecture is horizontal log construction. ... Scandinavian architecture is based on the integration with nature, use of natural light, comfort, harmony with nature, and creative use of materials.
-since many early African societies hadn't made systems of writing, used oral traditions. Griots passed these on. Kept history alive for generations/ repect