Generally, people see cities as a very fun, enjoyable and relaxing While rural town is not as relaxing as cities.Since no one want to suffer in a place where ends do not meet, people prefer staying in cities than rural towns.
Technological advancements
In simple words, generation gaps refers to the differences between two individuals born in different time period, usually at a difference of ten years, regarding their opinions, perceptions and life style culture.
Such gaps occurs majorly due to technological advancements which change the overall lifestyle in the community and thus results in significant differences between generations.
A. nouns
Sharon as a child who is just learning how to speak will tend to use nouns, this is because majority of the things she's familiar with are names. Starting from the parents, items in the house, places and so on.
divergent plate boundary[dĭ-vûr′jənt]
A tectonic boundary where two plates are moving away from each other and new crust is forming from magma that rises to the Earth's surface between the two plates. The middle of the Red Sea and the mid-ocean ridge (running the length of the Atlantic Ocean) are divergent plate boundaries. Also called passive margin spreading zone See more at tectonic boundary . Compare convergent plate boundary .
Individuals around the world are about 99.1% genetically identical