Ronald Reagan’s landslide election as President and the Republican Party’s takeover of the Senate gives a substantial push to the rightward trend. Reagan won an overwhelming 469 electoral votes and 51% of the popular vote. Above all, Reagan’s election reflects the vast dissatisfaction with Carter’s record in office. Over the past four years the economy worsened considerably, energy problems grew more critical, social contradictions intensified, and international tensions increased. These problems all indicated the continuation of U.S. monopoly capitalism’s crisis of decline. The magnitude of Carter’s defeat is one measure of how serious this crisis has become.
(Feel free to change anything if its too fancy!)
Hellenization, or Hellenism, refers to the spread of Greek culture that had begun after the conquest of Alexander the Great in the fourth century, B.C.E. One must think of the development of the eastern Mediterranean, really, in two major phases. ... Rather, they worked with the Greek idiom.
B by using font colors that coordinate with each other
Sitting in your assigned seat in school is an example of a social-conventional rule. Social-conventional rules are agreed upon by society and may take the form of a custom. Sitting in your assigned seat at school is considered a social-conventional rule because children are expected to listen to their teachers at school. This is a socially agreed upon rule.