Explanation: After ww1 Hitler was inferior. After being kicked out a party's in Germany he decided to create his own party Hitler created the Nazis. and a pure race even though Hitler wasn't German himself the pure race was blond hair and blues eyes. but Hitler was a huge fan of Mussolini and wrote him a fan letter. Hitler had a plan to create or start ww2 included the Axis power Germany, Italy and japan and also the allies France, Great Britain, The United States and the Soviet Union and China.
Industrialization... because of
-corrupt gvt.
It is unlikely that a person is born with concepts already formed. It is mre likely that our preferences are result of nurture, how we are socialized, as opposed to nature which is inborn and subject to biology.
The correct answer is B. Civil rights guarantee equal treatment under the law for all citizens
They are not exactly the same and they certainly cannot list all non-criminal behavior since there are so many things that can be done and are not crime, yet seem like it. Liberties don't state what cannot be done.
Lincoln declared that they would have to accept the amendments and the new government, disband their old confederate government, make sure that former office holders could never go back into politics, and ask for an official pardon from the President of the United States. They also had to free the slaves.