Mainly, the number of genes that control traits.
Polygenic inheritance does not follow Mendel's law of dominance. According to Mendel the dominant trait will mask the recessive trait however, this is not always the case. Polygenic inheritance states that traits are controlled by two or more genes and is also dependent on the environment.
Let's take skin color for example. A fair-skinned person will have a child with a dark-skinned person.
Mendelian inheritance would assume that the offspring would either be fair or dark only.
Polygenic inheritance would assume that the offspring would be either fair, dark, or a tone in between, depending on the environment they are in as well.
Hope you understood it.
The main role of chloroplasts<span> is to conduct photosynthesis, where the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll captures the energy from sunlight and converts it and stores it in the energy-storage molecules ATP and NADPH while freeing oxygen from water</span>
1. Latitude. Kuala Lumpur is located in the equatorial zone, near the equator, so it receives a lot of sun for the entire year, and this explains its warm climate.
2. The main reason for this difference is the altitude: while Minsk is located at 280 meters over the sea level, Banff is located at approximately 1400 meters over the sea level. As the altitude is higher, the average temperature is lower.
3. Jakarta: in fact, it is located at a similar altitude of Kuala Lumpur (just in the opposite hemisphere), in the equatorial zone, while Baltimore is located much more north, so in a colder region.
4. Because they are located at approximately same latitude (just in the opposite hemisphere), so they are more or less same distance from the equator, and they receive more or less same amount of sun light, therefore they have similar climate.
Arteries always flow away from the heart versus veins which carry blood to the heart. Bronchi are part of the lungs and move air. Platelets are components of blood that are responsible for clotting the blood.