Although protons resemble other positive ions such as Na+ and K+ in their movement across membranes, in some respects they are unique. Hydrogen atoms are by far the most abundant type of atom in living organisms; they are plentiful not only in all carbon-containing biological molecules, but also in the water molecules that surround them. The protons in water are highly mobile, flickering through the hydrogen-bonded network of water molecules by rapidly dissociating from one water molecule to associate with its neighbor, Protons are thought to move across a protein pump embedded in a lipid bilayer in a similar way: they transfer from one amino acid side chain to another, following a special channel through the protein.
This is because daughter cells are identical to the original cell.
Although during the process of mitosis the number of chromosomes changes, the final number of chromosomes in each daughter cell is always the same number as were in the original cell.
Due to no transfer of resistance allele.
The gene flow was not the cause of antibiotic resistance because the characteristics can't be transferred from one generation to the next generation. The organisms are evolved to become an antibiotic resistance due to their environmental conditions and this resistance quality is only present in the existing population and the alleles that are responsible for this resistance can't be transferred from the bacteria to the next generation so the experiment showed that gene flow was not the cause of antibiotic resistance