Hooligan:A violent young troublemaker, typically one of a gang.
Usually young man who engages in rowdy or violent behavior especially as part of a group or gang
The plural of the noun proof is prooves.
In general, to form the plural of a singular regular noun, we must add an s at the end of the word:
- dog → dogs
- house → houses
- girl → girls
However, there are some exceptions, depending on the letter with which the noun ends.
When the singular noun ends in -f, we drop the -f and add -ves to form the plural.
This is why the plural of proof is prooves.
Other examples of plurals of nouns ending in -f are:
- Thief → thieves
- calf → calves
- half → halves
You can learn more about plurals in the link below:
He mutilated the dead child and buried it in the Evil Forest. He said this would make the ogbange think before it came back again. ... If it were discovered, then the child would not die. When Okagbue found Ezinma's iyi-uwa, the people knew Ezinma's troubles were over.
It would not be right to write a Haiku about aliens