5th Amendment<span> 6th Amendment 7th Amendment 8th Amendment ... of Independence </span>United States Constitution<span> The President of the </span>United States<span> ... republicanism </span>due process<span> of law separation of powers individual rights .... provide for the common defense ensure domestic tranquility </span>establish justice<span> secure the blessings </span>
Blacks are incapable of building civilization
This poster illsutrations the idea of blacks being incapable of acting proper and that they are dumb (They are not).
The distance across the Atlantic Ocean
The British government would have to travel across the Atlantic to send any communication, enforce any laws or exchange any resources with the American colonies.
Americans were self-sufficient and could provide anything they needed to support their society because of they didn't depend on Great Britain they were less excepted on their rule.
Bleeding Kansas refers to the border war between Pro-Slavery and Anti-Slavery citizens. It took place on the Kansas/Missouri border.
But yes, you still call it the living room.
Funnily enough, the living room in a house used to be the death room, where families laid out their dead for funerals.