The introduction of communism by mao Zedong is different from the earlier collective farms in China because Mao Zedong exemplifies that communism was to have equality and that you will have where to live and what to eat and during this time, China was in devastation because of the failure of the dynasties and for poor people was really happy to hear about that promises of mao Zedong and how good is communism, however, mao Zedong did not mention that he will take all of their rights and force them to work for the state.
The contras<span> is a label given to the various U.S.-backed and funded right-wing rebel groups that ... After US </span>support<span> was banned by Congress, the </span>Reagan<span> administration .... The </span>secret contra<span> assistance was run by the National Security Council, with ... by paid consultants who </span>did<span> not disclose their connection to the </span>Reagan<span> ...</span>
Classical Greek sculpture were characterized by the portrayal of idealized, lifelike bodies. Characters were very symmetrical and almost perfect versions of human beings, that almost seem real.
He did not want anyone having anywhere near as much power as he had