these gawkers are gonna pay for disrupting our learning.
WE ARE GONNA START A RIOT!! as you know, I wasted 310 points on an essay, counting, and all these bots do is put LINKS and do not help WHATSOEVER!!!!!!! I bet all of you people had one of the links too. Im tired, and i bet you are to. Me and others are fed up of these people disrespecting our learning, so we will drag them down the pit with us. WHO'S WITH ME?!?! share with friends!!!
So basically whats figurative language : Figurative language is the use of words in an unusual or imaginative manner. Often figurative language involves the use of a metaphor, a simile, personification, hyperbole, idiom, a euphemism, and pun.
Three types of language are:
receptive language
expressive language
pragmatic language
Message me rite now , i literally just answered this question but it’s to long to fit here