It is England, the United States and China (A).
C i think. Game conservation laws can aff3ct them in a variety of ways. by limiting certain things they can do or times they can hunt.
Those who examine the impact of the Holocaust on politics deal with the extent, depth, type, and dynamics of the impact but not with the impact itself. The impact itself is considered axiomatic because it is so sweeping and vast. Since the issue is so large and made up of so many overt and covert associations - direct and indirect, Jewish and pan-human, immediate and belated, ethical and practical - a general framework that presents and diagnoses the matter becomes, by nature, a telegraphic prologue to innumerable studies already carried out and yet to come.
Colonialism intensified after World War I because colonial powers such as England and France emerged from the war weakened and close to bankruptcy. Consequently, they believed that colonialism would help them on their path to economic recovery and survival as international powers.
The duties of the legislature include consideration of proposed laws and resolutions, consideration of proposed constitutional amendments for submission to the voters, and appropriation of all funds for the operation of state government.