Harry S Truman The Buck Stops Here means I'm the ultimately responsible person in this organization. Other people can pass the buck to me, but I can't pass the buck to anyone else.
He could see it in full action
1. Representatives of the third estate gather at a tennis court and swear to continue meeting until a new French constitution is drafted.
2. A crowd of angry, hungry women marches from Paris to Versailles to force the royal family back to Paris.
3. King Louis XVI is executed by guillotine on charges of treason, while his wife, Marie Antoinette, is executed a few months later.
4. French soldier Napoleon Bonaparte rises to power and makes himself the emperor of France.
The French Revolution begins within the National Assembly with the Third Estate (commoners) demanding a new constitution be drawn up and signed. The group wanted more of a say in the government since they made up over 1/2 of the population but were only given 1 vote in the Assembly. The Storming of the Bastille is considered the first event in the revolution. This event is followed by bread riots and the march to Versailles by women demanding bread prices be lower. Upon taking Versailles, the women forced Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette back to Paris. After forcing Louis to comply with the Third Estate he would eventually be guillotined with his wife to follow. France would enter a bloody period of the revolution leading to more overthrows of the government. Eventually Napoleon would come to power turning France into a military-based empire.
Some cons about wetlands is you aren't allowed by law to build on wetlands. As for animals and humans, wetlands have many diseases in them so it's a big risk for animals and people. If i were to plan a wetland regeneration project id monitor its success by seeing if it is helping stop over-flooding, if our natural products have increased and as well as to see if animals are increasing or decreasing
segregation was legal as long as facilities were seperate but equal
hope this helps :)