Let maggie's age be x
brother's age = 2x +3
24= 2x +3 +x
21 = 3x
x = 7
The options omitted are:
A. as those that charge
B. as a charge
C. as to charge
D. as charge
E. as those charging
Correct answer is Option "D" which is "as charge"
In this Sentence Correction question, we need to follow parallelism rules to get the correct answer.
The phrase "as many" in the question must be followed by "as"; and this appears in all 5 answer options, so it's not much help. However, the first "as" is partnered with "charge" ("as many independent institutions of higher education charge...."), the second "as" definitely needs it too.
The only answer that follows this pattern is option D
けんじさん( は )いつも( x )みず( を )のみます。
でも コーヒー( は )のみません。
せんせい( は )がっこう( で )にほんご( を )はなします。
たいてい( x )おひるごはん( に )ホットドッグ( を )たべます。
These groups of blocks are called scripts. They tell characters on the screen what to do. The characters are called sprites.