They served both sides, sometimes it just depended on whose land was where.
Bridget Bishop of Salem
The first to be tried was Bridget Bishop of Salem, who was accused of witchcraft by more individuals than any other defendant. Bishop, known around town for her dubious moral character, frequented taverns, dressed flamboyantly (by Puritan standards), and was married three times.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are best known for their expedition from the Mississippi River to the West Coast and back. The expedition, called the Corps of Discovery, was President Thomas Jefferson's visionary project to explore the American West. It began in May of 1804 and ended in September 1806.
The answer is A. Catholic leaders grouped up and wanted to respond to the concerns of the new Protestants.
The caste system was the dominant social system of "India," since it had pre-modern roots in this area and helped build a system of social stratification, which was altered by British rule.