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The quality of service consistently offered is the basis for customers' satisfaction. Once the customers set a belief of reliability upon a service they tend to continue with it. In case of Bryan's customer service, it all depends on reliability because of which the customers will be they will continue to take the service. With consistency in service performance aided by neat professionals, Bryan can establish reliability in his service and will be able to renew the contract.
dzmitry bahdanau, kyunghyun cho, and yoshua bengio. 2014. neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and
Neural machine translation is a recently proposed approach to machine translation. Unlike the traditional statistical machine translation, the neural machine translation aims at building a single neural network that can be jointly tuned to maximize the translation performance.
The models proposed as of late for brain machine interpretation frequently have a place with a group of encoder-decoders and comprises of an encoder that encodes a source sentence into a fixed-length vector from which a decoder creates an interpretation.
In this paper, we guess that the utilization of a fixed-length vector is a bottleneck in working on the exhibition of this essential encoder-decoder engineering, and propose to broaden this by permitting a model to naturally (delicate )look for parts of a source sentence that are pertinent to anticipating an objective word, without shaping these parts as a hard section unequivocally.
With this new methodology, we accomplish an interpretation execution equivalent to the current cutting edge state put together framework with respect to the undertaking of English-to-French interpretation. Moreover, subjective examination uncovers that the (delicate )arrangements found by the model concur well with our instinct.
to learn more about neural machine translation
Cabbage for "choucroute", Grapes for wine, cereals, hops, fruits, dairy, meats, vegetables, quetsches, and tobacco
Alsace-Lorraine region is a place in France. It is located in the Northeastern part of France. It is popular for being based on the agricultural economy which is reliant on "Cabbage for "choucroute", Grapes for wine, cereals, hops, fruits, dairy, meats, vegetables, quetsches, and tobacco."
Although, it has other industrial sectors. It is more famous for its agricultural products which were listed above.
Shay's rebellion led to the founding fathers gathering for the constitutional convention, the convention was to help prevent more revolts, and it did not allow civil war it instead was comprising for both sides to prolong the civil war.