Cotton in the usa was made in the south and if you got all of it done faster you can make it the more money you would make
Xu recommended that women remain correct, reserved, discreet, dignified, sincere and honest.
Xu was the third empress of the Ming dynasty and was considered an admirable, virtuous and wise woman. He gave strong advice to Chinese women who managed to reflect very well the values and concepts that Chinese culture encouraged and hoped their women would adopt.
Xu advised women to be incorruptible, regardless of changes in society. In addition, she said that women remained, above all, honest, but also calm, quiet, discreet, modest, dignified and correct.
Shortly after arriving in Europe American troops were able to push to the south and east for the first time while Russian forces moved in from the East.
Happy new year to you too and hopefully 2021 is better year
a. newly independent nations would become communist or ally themselves with the Soviet Union
During the period between the 1950's and 1970's, lot of new countries emerged on the world map as they were gaining independence from the colonial powers, most of which in Asia and Africa. This was also the period of the Cold War. Both the Soviets and the Americans were putting in a lot of effort to get their influence and control over some of the new countries. The Americans feared that the Soviets will be quicker in that, and that lot of the newly formed countries will become communist, or at least would ally with the Soviets and be under their wing. Some of the newly formed nations indeed became communist and Soviet allies, and unfortunately for the people in those countries, the Soviets and the Americans were using them and their territory to wage their warfare for dominance in the world.