Savannah and Brunswick are both located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. This, naturally, allowed ships to be built and put into the sea for quick use during World War II. They remain important ports to this day.
Even before U.S involvement in World War II, and even before World War II began, Brunswick and Savannah were important because they were the center of imports and exports of cotton and rice. Being a natural harbor only a few miles from Savannah, Brunswick also had the advantage that 3 major rivers flowed into it, which gave it an important standing in trading. Also, Brunswick is located on the Atlantic Ocean, which, during World War II became really important when the U.S entered the war as the forces would need a place where ships could be launched fast towards Europe. Another issue is that Brunswick and Savannah had a tradition for shipbuilding, and during World War II this harbor became the site for the production of some of the most powerful cargo ships of the United States, known as "Liberty Ships". So, A: because of their location on the Atlantic coast, and their tradition and speed in building cargo ships that easily sailed towards Europe, is why these two places became so important in Word War II for the U.S.