There isn’t a human being alive on this planet who isn’t acquainted with troubles. Times of difficulty arrive unexpectedly, often remain indefinitely, and the sorrowful memories they produce take deep root in the mind. It is no wonder, then, why Jesus’s promise in John 16:33 also takes deep root in the minds and hearts of so many Christians: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
This comforting verse is found within a larger section in the Gospel of John. Chapters 13-17 make up what theologians refer to as the Farewell Discourse. These are Jesus’s final words of reassurance, comfort, and encouragement to his disciples in the upper room before his betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion.
In chapter 16, he speaks to them of his impending death and departure, as well as their desertion. In John 16:32, Jesus tells them, “A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.”
censorship means the suppression of ant parts of a book
evolution means the gradual development of some thing
ratify means to give consent to something
mass media refers to an array of media technologies
1. I eat delicious pancakes for breakfast
2. I drink fresh orange juice during breakfast
3.Between meals I eat creamy peanut butter and crackers.
4. I workout everyday day for 1 hour
5. On the weekend I hangout with friends
6. every night I get 8 hours of sleep.
Men and women should equally contribute income to the household.
A. American is a melting pot of people of diverse ethnicities who share the common American dream