What "selection"?
You just said "The selection"
"This is the second activity in the repetition strategy" indicates that the word revisit would be the best word to use to sum up the idea since repetition strategy definitely suggests revisiting. Something which is repeated is done over again so in the act of re-doing it it means it is also re-visited.
Eurydice support the theme by making efforts and having an intention to rescue his beloved from hell.
The theme of the story is that love is a very important and a strong feeling in the life of the human being. Because of the importance, it gives the loved ones to fight for each other and to solve the problems of each others in the bad times.
Having trust and faith on each other is very important in the feeling of love. Eurydice shows this feeling when he makes efforts to solve the problems that his beloved one is going through and get her out of hell.
The Call of the Wild is a story of transformation in which the old Buck has to adjust to harsher realities of life where survival is only imperative.
So all and all he has to get better with his surroundings and make the transformation with his survival skills in order to survive.
Side bar: The moral of it is to follow your instincts. And although Buck is loyal to his owner he follows his gut instead.
Serendipity has been recently discovered in the Portage-du-Fort area, Pontiac Regional County Municipality, Quebec. Dark blue, often polysynthetic twinned on {011} and with no cleavage, serendipity crystals occur exclusively in a calc-silicate rock. Fine-grained cathedral serendipity, sometimes poikiloblastic, occurs with aluminous diopside. Less commonly, serendipity may form decussate masses in the same rock type. Serendipity is biaxial negative, with indices of refraction α 1.685(2), β 1.700(2), and γ 1.712(2); 2Vmeas. = 93.6(4)°, 2Vcalc. = 91°. Orientation matrix is X ^ c = +20.5°, Y ^ b = -42.6°, and Z ^ a = -24.6°. Dispersion is strong, r 蠐 v, and there is no pleochroism. Serendipity is triclinic, space group P1¯ with cell parameters refined from an X-ray powder-diffraction pattern: a 10.035(2), b 10.423(3), c 8.648 (2) Å, α 106.47(3)°, β 95.91(2)°, γ 124.46(2)°, V 674.3(2) Å3. The seven strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d in Å(I)(hill)] are: 3.328(45)(230), 3.029 (96)(012, 021, 1 22), 2.854(96)(01¯3, 03¯1, 120), 2.689(29)(31¯1), 2.604(95)(030), 2.469(100)(2¯1¯3, 033), and 2.357(28)(22¯3, 23¯3). The crystal structure determination refined to R = 2.1% for 3877 unique reflections. The borosilicate structure, a member of the aenigmatite-rhenate group, is composed of layers parallel to (011). Layers of tetrahedral chains cross-linked by octahedral polyhedral alternate with layers of octahedral chains cross-linked by square antiprism polyhedral sheets. Tetrahedral and octahedral polyhedral are partially ordered and site assignments were determined. All cation sites are disordered to some degree.