If the comet were to strike the planet, the impact energy would be about 300 times that of the asteroid collision that was thought to have caused the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction that killed the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago.
you are using your shoulder muscle. The reason you are using this muscle is when you put your arm strait up there is no reason to use a bicep or tricep muscle.
I believe the correct answer is upwelling. Lets say we have producers such as plankton. well upwelling currents bring dead matter from the ocean floor up to the surface, creating plankton.
Their is AB, O, B, and A. Which is four. If your were to include whether the blood type was a Negative blood type and positive blood type they're would be . AB+, O+, B+, A+, AB-, O-, B-, A-. Which is eight.
This would be asexual reproduction