If I remember correctly I've taken this test before on edge.
Marcellus believes that the ghost of King Hamlet has been appearing, but Horatio does not believe that could be possible.
Marcellus brings Horatio out in hopes that the ghost will appear again that night so Horatio can see it with his own eyes and finally believe what they've been saying.
Do it you self . use you brain and the knowledge god blessed you with
'The Many Faces in Nigerian Food' has a lot of purpose in the text cause of how it states the diversity in Nigeria, which leading to the many faces of traditional food. On the last paragraph it states how every dish has its own 'special spin' because of the diversity. You can see the many faces of Nigerian food just by the way you live, like the southern people live near the Atlantic ocean which means that effects the way they make their type of food, which means everyone has a way they style/make their food which reflects the many faces of food.
Basically there's a lot in the text that can show you what 'The many faces of Nigerian food' since they show a lot of details and explanations. This wasn't much but hopefully this gives you an idea.