The density of liquid can not only help with sciences, but can help you with finding out the murderer of a crime novel. For example, if the killer had poisoned the ice or drink, knowing what the density of liquid can help you find out what poison was used or the antidote.
The answer to this question is b
Now what in the world is that question
He never learned a trade, he just sells gas,Checks oil, and changes flats. Once in a while,As a gag, he dribbles an inner tube,But most of us remember anyway.His hands are fine and nervous on the lug wrench.It makes no difference to the lug wrench, though.
Off work, he hangs around Mae’s Luncheonette.Grease-gray and kind of coiled, he plays pinball,Smokes those thin cigars, nurses lemon phosphates.Flick seldom says a word to Mae, just nodsBeyond her face toward bright applauding tiersOf Necco Wafers, Nibs, and Juju Beads.