Artikel ini menganalisis perkembangan ekonomi liberal dalam kegiatan perdagangan bebas di Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu (NNMB) sebelum Perang Dunia Pertama. Pendekatan neomerkantilisme digunakan untuk meneliti peranan kerajaan yang bersifat ‘protective’dalam memusatkan pentadbiran dan penggubalan dasar berkaitan pembangunan perdagangan antarabangsa. Galakan terhadap eksport perdagangan, pembentukaan sistem tarif dan tumpuan pengumpulan surplus merupakan analisis penting neomerkantilisme dalam mengukur sumber kekayaan negara. Perubahan reformasi tarif yang berlaku di Britain secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi perubahan dasar ekonomi di Pejabat Tanah Jajahan menjelang awal abad ke-20. Kerajaan Britain menggunakan ‘imperial preference’sebagai langkah untuk melindungi kepentingan perdagangannya di tanah jajahan. Dasar ekonomi yang bersifat liberal amat diperlukan oleh Britain bagi mengatasi masalah perdagangan bebas yang menerima persaingan yang hebat daripada blok neomerkantilisme, khususnya Amerika Syarikat dan Jerman pada awal abad ke-20
The correct answer is A. To customize the maintenance routine for a specific computer or set of computers.
A specific maintenance plan is a series of actions that allow an object to be properly maintained, allowing the user to customize the maintenance according to their interests, focusing mainly on details or special characteristics. This maintenance plan is more effective than automatic maintenance because automatic maintenance does not pay attention to details but only works on the generalities of an object. Therefore, the correct answer is A. To customize the maintenance routine for a specific computer or set of computers.
Daniel Shays (c. 1747 – September 29, 1825) was an American soldier, revolutionary and farmer famous for being one of the leaders and namesake of Shays' Rebellion, a populist uprising against controversial debt collection and tax policies in Massachusetts in 1786 and 1787.
(A) Relocated
You didn't include the sentence that was meant to be shown but based on the connotation and definition of the word 'migrated', the answer is most likely relocated.
Hope this helps :)
The answer is economic growth .