Many people consider Galileo, who stood out as a mathematician, astronomer and physicist, the "father of modern science". He was one of the first men to scrutinize the heavens with a telescope, and he used his observations to support a theory that was the subject of heated debate in his day: that the Earth revolves around the Sun and that, therefore, it is not the center of the universe. This explains why he is sometimes seen as the creator of the modern experimental method. Already at the end of the sixteenth century, Galileo had adopted the theory of Copernicus. According to this, the Earth revolves around the Sun, and not vice versa, what is known as a heliocentric system. In 1610 he discovered with his telescope celestial bodies that had never been observed before, and he was convinced that he had found confirmation of this theory.
In 1611, Galileo traveled to Rome to meet with senior ecclesiastical officials. But, although he used the telescope to show them his astronomical discoveries, things did not turn out as he had expected. By 1616, Galileo was officially the object of investigation. The theologians of the Roman Inquisition described the heliocentric theory as "philosophically insensate and absurd, and formally heretical, since in many aspects it explicitly contradicts the sentences of the Holy Scriptures in their literal meaning, their common interpretation and the opinion of the Saints. Parents and doctors of theology. "
Galileo was sentenced on June 22, 1633 in an austere courtroom before the members of the inquisitorial tribunal. He was found guilty of "having defended and believed the false doctrine, contrary to the Sacred and Divine Scriptures, that the Sun [...] does not move from east to west, and that the Earth moves and is not the center of the world".
The Germanic leader Odoacer seize control of Rome.
The deposition of the Western emperor Romulus Augustulus by the Germanic leader Odoacer is usually seen as marking the end of the Western Roman Empire. Odoacer belonged to the "barbarians," as were known by the Romans. However, his actual ethnicity is unclear. After his conquest of Rome, he was considered King of Italy. He was also able to gain the suppport of the Senate, which allowed him to make major changes to the administrative system of Italy.
A tropical rain forest is a rain forest that is always hot, moist bio me found near Earth's equator. Did you know that the largest Tropical Rain forest is found near South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. They also receives from 60 to 160 inches of rain per year!
I hope this helps1
Kurt Vonnegut's "The Barnhouse Effect"
1. At no time were his experiments, as Premier Slezak called them, "a bourgeois (characterized by materialistic pursuits or concerns) plot to shackle the true democracies of the world."
2. "Did you give it everything you had?" asked the general dubiously (in a doubtful manner).
3. Many a stouthearted patriot has found himself prone (lying face down) in the tangled bunting and timbers of a smashed reviewing stand.
4. Save for one short, enigmatic (mysterious) message left in my mailbox on Christmas Eve, I have not heard from him since his disappearance a year and a half ago.
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