1. monopoly can cause deadweight loss, or a lack of equilibrium between supply and demand.
2. disadvantages of monopolies include price-fixing, low-quality products, lack of incentive for innovation, and cost-push inflation.
3. it can cause inequality, and political abuse.
4. Monopoly tends to limit options available to consumers. Monopoly results in allocative inefficiency--in other words, the monopoly price is higher than the marginal cost of production. Profits do not encourage entry into the industry.
No, I do not think that he was successful.
His idea was a political theory about how the revolutionary communist party should be organized. It says it should be a dictatorship of the proletariat (the working class holds the power). It is considered one of the first steps towards socialism (where the workers own the factories, etc.) He did not get that done.
The Puritans were members of a religious reform movement known as Puritanism that arose within the Church of England in the late 16th century. They believed the Church of England was too similar to the Roman Catholic Church and should eliminate ceremonies and practices not rooted in the Bible.
The English colonists in America brought with them ideas including the need for an ordered social system, or government, the idea of limited government, that is, that government should not be all-powerful and the notion of a representative government which serves the will of the people.
Inevitably they got what they needed. After the Austrians lost the war the Austro-Hungarian Empire was disbanded. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia was built up on 1 December 1918 and the Conference of Ambassadors in Paris gave worldwide acknowledgment to the union on 13 July 1922.
They by one means or another trusted that by removing the leader of the Austrian snake, they would accomplish the 'freedom' of Serbia. All things considered, that was the hypothesis, at any rate - what they truly got was a gigantic intrusion by Austria, and World War I.