In the late 1950s and early 1960s conservatives were widely dismissed as "kooks" and "crackpots" with no hope of winning political power. In 1950 the literary critic Lionel Trilling spoke for a generation of scholars and journalists when he wrote that "in the United States at this time liberalism is not only the dominant but even the sole intellectual tradition.... It is the plain fact [that] there are no conservative or reactionary ideas in general circulation" but only "irritable mental gestures which seem to resemble ideas." The historian Richard Hofstadter echoed Trilling's assessment, arguing that the right was not a serious, long-term political movement but rather a transitory phenomenon led by irrational, paranoid people who were angry at the changes taking place in America.
Reprimanding is to rebuke someone and more often than not it is in an offical matter.
And example would be: Did the policeman reprimand that man?
Justified means if something is right or that it's good or the right thing to do. The quote sounds like it's too much. So I would say no, it's not justified.
physical labor
Making Furniture requires mostly physical labor and very little mental labor. Since you need to know how to actually make it before applying all the physical labor required. Other than labor you will also need lots of resources such as wood, nails, screws, nuts, and bolts in order to build furniture. Some furniture will often need wire and spring inserts for seating, foam, and fabric stuffing, as well as high-grade textiles for seat covers.
<span>Assuming that this is referring to the same chart that was posted before with this question, <span>the correct response would be "Mestizos," although it should be noted that these were different in different cultures. </span></span>