Marx believed that the capitalist bourgeois and their economists were promoting what he saw as the lie that "the interests of the capitalist and of the worker are ... one and the same", therefore he believed that they did this by purporting the concept that "the fastest possible growth of productive capital" was best ... Okay this may help I THINK.
Trees ; sod
The prairie region is covered by large amount of Grass with little to no trees. In order to built shelter that protect them from cold weather, many people who live in this area build cabin by using the combination of clay and grass. This combination is most commonly known as sod.
Compared to using woods, sod houses provide less protection from the weather and weaker structures. But, it's a perfectly good alternative for the people in prairie considering that they do not have other better resources
Jesus Christ carrying his cross on the way to calvary
D. An increase in the yield of crops for less-developed countries
8th century bro just look it up and change it a little bit