Answer is C
The most similar is hippo and gray whale because they only differ 5 amino acid. The most different is gray whale and elephant because it is 30 amino acid different.
1. All living things are made of cells.
2. The purpose of the cell is to organize.
3. Cells are made of organelles
4. Cells are made of proteins.
5. There are many many cells in a living thing.
Styrofoam, it does not conduct electricity
A homologous structure is a structure or organ that can be found on many different animals that suggest that there is a common ancestor. It can be anywhere from a bone to a flap of skin to an organ. A common one to look at is the similarity between a human hand, bat’s wing, whale anterior flipper, and a cat’s paw. All of these have a common, 5-point structure to the bones which suggests that we all come from an animal that had 5 fingers.