Status is social ranking. Feudalism was a political system in which nobles were granted the use of land that legally belonged to the king. In return, the nobles agreed to give their loyalty and military services to the king.
The main appeal for the indenture contract for someone looking for work was that it was short time period compared to the amount of money exchanged. When people started sailing over the "New World", young people who have enough money would ask people or specifically rich families to work for families for no pay.
The economy was getting stronger because employment was high.
Answer: Option A.
Unemployment is when a person is willing to work and is also able to work but does not get work. When there is situation of unemployment in the economy, there is less productivity and therefore less growth in the economy because of wastage of manpower.
During the time of 1991 to 2008, the rate of unemployment, in the United States of America, was decreasing. This meant that the people were getting jobs and there was high productivity and therefore there was growth in the economy.
A is the answer to the question