. A dramatist has three major tools for presenting the facts of a play: antecedent action is that which occurs before the play o
ccurs. Exposition is that part of the play which is not presented dramatically. Once antecedent action and exposition have been isolated, all else may be regarded as present action, which is presented dramatically. What facts are presented in Act One by means of antecedent action? What facts are presented in Act One by means of exposition?e
Explanation: The whole historical context of the Salem witch trials and the events that lead up to the mare explained in Miller’s introductory pages, in addition to the facts surrounding the Red Scare, which The Crucible serves as a social comparison to. As far as the plot itself, and not the big picture information, the event of Abigail, Tituba, and Betty dancing and singing in the forest isantecedent, and is not presented but rather insinuated....