False, several other living things have been found on planets such as mars.
1 cm to 1,00,000 cm. As 1 km represents 1,00,000 cm. That's why 1 cm to 1 km.
Scale represents the ratio between map distance and ground distance. Representative Fraction, Graphical scale, Linear scale and Comparative scale, Statement scale all are various categories of scale.
In Representative Fraction (R.F) values are represented in ratio format. Here, 1 cm map distance representing 1,00,000 cm ground distance. As 1 km= 1,00,000 cm. That's why 1 cm to 1 km means 1 cm map distance represents 1 km ground distance in reality.
Statement scale represents the values in a sentence. For eg. 1 cm to 1 km. Linear scale represents the values in primary and secondary divisions likewise Comparative scale compares two different units in a single scale.
Defined as below
Plate tectonics are defined as the pieces of Earth's crust floating over the liquid asthenosphere or the movements of sheets/plates of hard rock over the rigid mantle. Varying in thickness moving in the directions to there orientation. They are either oceanic or continental plates
Rift valleys are generally linear or are highlands that separated by actions of geologic agents. It may be formed by a divergent or a convergent plate movement. 0n earth can occur on all height above mean sea levels. Extraterrestrial Rift valleys have also been found on planets in the solar system. Example is Eastern valley of africa.
Earthquake is a shaking of the earth from the interior due to the vibrations and waves produced due to the movement of geo-material beneath the earth's crust. These waves are measured on a Richter scale and range from 1 to 12 caused by sliding of the earth plates from the convergent, divergent and transform boundaries. Like the ring of fire an earthquake prone region.
The earths most important energy sources the sun
Question- How are flowers in cones similar?
Answer- Plant cells have much in common with animal cells, but they have some different structures. Plants are divided into two big groups, based on how they reproduce: Plants that produce seeds (flowering plants and cone plants). Plants that produce spores (ferns, mosses, liverworts and green algae).