She will not get hit by the cupids arrow.
Commemorative speech.
The purpose of a commemorative speech is to embrace or celebrate a particular topic. The objectives with commemorative speech styles are to convince the audience to feel as intensely about anything as you do. It can be seen that all cultures have certain ideals at the core of human existence for example elegance, loyalty, intelligence, compassion, tradition, achievement, honesty, knowledge, bravery, perseverance, goodness, Many forms of commemorative speeches include the acceptance speech, the speech of the promotion, the speech of consolation, etc.
To add suspense and keep readers engaged
Janie's feelings are of pure love.
According to the quote that says <em>"most humans didn’t love one another nohow, and this mislove was so strong that even common blood couldn’t overcome it all the time. she had found a jewel down inside herself and she had wanted to walk where people could see her and gleam it around. but she had been set in the market-place to sell. been set for still-bait" </em>Janie's feelings express the pure love that she feels for Joe. The quote shows us that she had found the true love. That's why it says that she had found "a jewel down inside herself".