The market value of equity should be used.
Their are only two methods which are book value method or market value method. The market value method is preferred because the reason is that the market value gives the more accurate numerical value that the securities of the company will give which is the required rate of return to its investors. However historic cost data is not useful because the value of stock and bonds keeps changing every second in the stock exchange and their is the risk that the WACC calculated is inaccurate which implies that the project appraised is also incorrect.
So the best way to calculate the weighted cost of capital is that we should use the fair value of the securities.
Answer: C. $250
Explanation: fixed cost are cost which do not change even when other factors Change. Example of fixed cost is ‘rent’ even if the employees increase up to a 100 this variable won't affect the cost of rent which is $250. Unlike salary that increases with an increase in workers.
Labour cost per day of hiring two workers = $80 x 2 = $160
Total cost per day when three
workers are hires. This includes both the fixed cost and labour cost
Total Cost = fixed cost + labor cost
= $250 + $80 x 3
= $490.
The type of reaction will he most likely face in the early stages is rigid and reactive.
<h3>What is Organization?</h3>
Organization refers to the group of people working together in order to achieve the organizational goals. The goal of every organization is to maximize the profits for which it takes various activities.
In the above scenario, Dorian has started a cultural organization in a quality process. The changes made in any of the organization are rigid at first place.
The employees of the Dorian organization will react to the changes made regarding culture of the organization. Later on everyone will be adaptive to the changes.
Learn more about employees here:
Answer: D.) Regardless of the quantity.
Explanation: Declaration of bankruptcy is usually triggered by an organization or company in debt, declaring bankruptcy involves a legal process whereby the organization in question is examined and researched by evaluating it's liabilities and assets, so that they can seek relief from their debt. Once the buyer, gourmet declares bankruptcy, the contract between both companies can be terminated in transit regardless of the quantity of goods demanded, this is because gourmet declaring bankruptcy means the company will almost certainly be unable to pay for the demanded goods.
Communication encompasses all the processes of transmitting information from one person to another.
In order to effectively communicate, one must analyse their audience to ensure that the message is effectively communicated.