The answer you are looking for is either Hard Drive or SSD (Solid State Disk).
The dimensions of information systems include organizations, management, and information technology. The key elements of an organization are its people, structure, business processes, politics, and culture. An organization coordinates work through a structured hierarchy and formal standard operating procedures.
right click cell C6 then insert entire column.
Type "Series Name"
Insert function to C7 = VLOOKUP (B7,$A$2:$B$4,2,FALSE)
Copy through C22
Select the range then select format and column width to change the width to 18.
first line, that is "The bandwidth of the school’s internet connection is lower than at home" is the correct answer.
The network school bandwidth, speed, and list of phones can all be considerations here. In school might have a network that does not allow high MBPS or via its ISP, it might have a low bandwidth plan. It based on the router's size, frequency, and link of the firewall and gaming network, the bandwidth may be lower.
- The Most probably, the device isn't the source but it acts in the match were caused by the link.
- If the school requires the server for transport broadband connections, the network can slow the process through pc specifications and link to either the network.