I believe C is the answer.
Don't know asdfghjklpoiuytrewqzxcvbnm,
The correct answer is E.
void change(int ar[], int low, inthigh) {
int temp;
if(low< high) { <em>// here ask if the positions low and high of the array are the same.</em>
temp= ar[low]; <em>// first, saves the element on ar[low] in temp.</em>
ar[low]= ar[high]; <em>// second, the element on ar[high] in ar[low]. First switch.</em>
ar[high]= temp; <em>// third, saves the element on temp in ar[high]. Complete switch.</em>
change(ar,low + 1, high - 1); <em>// Recursive call, adding one position to low, and subtracting one position to high. </em><em>Important: </em><em>When low and high have the same value, the recursive call will finish.</em>
Result: Switch the lower half of elements in the array with the upper half.
1) Show your work. Build an electronic portfolio, ideally on a website that you own, that shows the skills you have and the projects you have worked on. ,
2) Create a professional account on LinkedIn with your resume and recent photo. Connect with others there who can help you land a job.
3) Don't put anything on social media that would be embarrassing to you if your family found out or if it appeared in the newspaper or on the television news. Always assume that whatever you put online can be shared, no matter what the privacy setting is supposed to be.
4) Network with professionals who are doing the sort of work that you aspire to do. Ask thoughtful questions about the work that they do that you admire.
The purpose of the domain name is for credibility and location purposes.
For example.
nz.gov means that the domain owner is the government on New Zealend