The death of Lenin affected the political environment in the Soviet Union through the leading to the power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky.
Correct Answer : Option C
During the assassination attempt over the Lenin, it made him incapable of any activity sticking to the wheelchair. Even during his lifetime of active phases, he always thought of as who would succeed him, and he always felt that Stalin is more powerful than he himself, and with this much amount of power Stalin becomes vulnerable and in a sort an incapable successor.
The death caused the struggle of power between the right wing of Stalin to conflict with left wing of Trotsky. Trotsky, provoked in the public and party for his position but he failed. at the end, Trotsky was expelled out from the Soviet Union.
Becuse they do not belive in limitations of power and feel like power should be concetrated
Franz Joseph was Emperor of Austria from 1848 and King of Hungary from 1867 until his death in 1916.
He ascended the throne in Austria since his uncle, Ferdinand I of Austria, abdicated as a result of the unrest in 1848. His father had already relinquished the right to the throne, after pressure from his wife, Sofia, who considered their son better suited.
World War I arose, among other causes, as a result of the internal instability of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The constant tension between the central power and the separatist minorities (Czechs, Serbs, Italians and Romanians) led to a multinational conflict within the Empire, which could not be less exploited by its external enemies. In addition, Franz Joseph allowed the military leaders led by Count Conrad von Hötzendorf (supporter of a preventive war with Serbia) to direct the imperial policy in a hostile and warmongering way towards the menacing Serbia, supported by Russia, which with its nationalist aspirations put the stability and unity of the Empire is in danger.
The hatred of Serbian separatists for the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina led to the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (nephew of Franz Joseph I and imperial heir) and his wife, Sofia von Chotek, in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914 at the hands of the young Serbian nationalist student Gavrilo Princip, a member of a nationalist group known as the Black Hand, who acted with impunity from Serbia with Russian funding.
A Theocracy is a form of government in which one or more deities of some type is recognized as the supreme ruling authority, giving divine guidance to human intermediaries who manage the day-to-day affairs of the government
Early civilizations often had a king that was guided by a god or gods. A few examples of countries ruled by theocracy include Ancient Egypt, Tibet, and China. Contemporary examples of theocracies include Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Vatican.