Format for date is: mm/dd/yy
mm means month
dd means day
yy means year.
Like: mm/dd/yy 12 / 15 / 2017
December 15, 2017.
It might have a really weird phone number, also if it sounds like its too good to be true it probably is. Good luck, and don't fall for scams!! XD
B) shared workspace
There are various terms which are shown below:
Blogging: Blogging is the site in which the person shares its views and opinions about a certain topic. So that it can spread their knowledge throughout the world
Shared workspace: As the name suggests it is a document that is shared with the team members so that they can track any change made by the other team members so that it avoids the duplicate of files. It also reduced the cost and time.
Instant messaging: It is an online chat in which the receiver and the sender communicate with each other in a real-time
Cross-linking: The cross-linking is the technique which links one site to another with a motive to access another site.
So, according to the given scenario, the most appropriate option is b.
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
An algorithm is the list of a finite set of instructions and rules that a computer needs to do to complete a task in order to solve a problem.
In short, an algorithm is a series of instructions that are implemented step by step to solve a problem. For example, you could consider a pizza recipe an algorithm for making a pizza in an everyday life routine. But when you are talking about using algorithms in computation and in mathematics. It means that solving a problem using a series of steps step by step.
For example, your everyday tasks aligned on a google calendar and remind you about your tasks using the alarm, etc- how to implement this using set of instructions and rules- is an algorithm.
Solving a quadratic equation is another example of an algorithm.
Binary search, array sorting are an example of an algorithm in computation. Because these algorithms based on the execution of step-by-step instruction to solve a problem such as sorting a list of numbers etc.
D) It creates a vector object with a starting size of 10 and all elements are initialized with the value 2.
When you write the statement vector<int> v(10,2); This statement declares a vector or dynamic array of size 10 that is the first parameter and the second parameter is the value with which all the elements in the vector are to be initialized.So in this vector all the 10 values will be initialized with the value 2.It is one of the way of initializing the vector.