North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
This treaty and organization was formed and signed on April 4th 1949. If any of the member states are attacked, the other member states will mutually defend it,however this does not mean through violent means, but more through what a country will deem necessary to do to protect another country. NATO followed the Treaty of Brussels which was shortly signed after World War II so that Western Europe would be able to defend itself from Soviet Power.
Greece was the modern country that was a part of the Persian empire.
Los zoológicos humanos, también llamados exposiciones etnológicas, eran exposiciones públicas de humanos de los siglos XIX y XX, generalmente en un estado "natural" o "primitivo" erróneamente etiquetado. Los zoológicos humanos de un solo hombre también existieron ya en el siglo XVII en Londres. Las exhibiciones a menudo enfatizaban las diferencias culturales entre los europeos de la civilización occidental y los pueblos no europeos o con otros europeos que practicaban un estilo de vida considerado más primitivo. Algunos de ellos ubicaron a las poblaciones indígenas en un continuo entre los grandes simios y los europeos.
Christianity. Aksum embraced the Orthodox tradition of Christianity in the 4th century (c. 340–356 C.E.) under the rule of King Ezana. The king had been converted by Frumentius, a former Syrian captive who was made Bishop of Aksum.
Napoleon impacted both Europe and the world in a number of ways. When thinking about Napoleon’s impact, we have to realize that he did not necessarily intend to have the impacts that he did. Instead, much of his impact came about inadvertently or even in response to his actions.
One of the biggest impacts that Napoleon had was that he caused a major backlash against his ideas and against the prospect that a single country...