quiz on tht i can partake
X is negative heterotropic modulator
In allosteric regulations, modulators are molecules that causes a change in the conformation of an enzyme, hence, resulting a change in enzyme activity. It can lead to a decrease or an increase of the enzyme. When a molecule decreases the enzyme activity it called a negative modulator, when it increases or activates the enzyme activity, it is called a positive modulator.
A positive or negative modulator can either be homotrophic (substrate acts as modulator) or heterotropic (another ligand acts as modulator).
In the example above, X is negative heterotropic modulator, because the modulator is different from the substrate and it also decreases the enzyme activity.
Answer: Breaks down, decomposes. Decomposers include bacteria and fungi.
When temp rises the liquid rises to temp and when temp drops liquid drops to temp
cell membrane
It's the outer living boundary of animal cells. It's made of lipid and protein. Plasma Membrane is a mosaic of phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins, the proteins in plasma membrane regulates the coming/going of substances into/out of the cell.