The following is the complete text of the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, as adopted on March 11, 1861. The text of the CSA Constitution was verified at the University of Oklahoma and the Library of Congress and was marked up for Web display by Steve Mount. The University of Georgia has the original hand-written copies in its archives.
The Manifest Destiny was the belief that America need to expand its borders. This shaped the use due to the fact that if caused many disputes among the natives and Mexicans that controlled most of the land that was unclaimed.
During Romans peace was called Pax Romana
The Depression dealt severe blows to both the construction industry and the homeowner. Between 1929 and 1933, construction of residential property fell 95 percent. Repair expenditures decreased from $50 million to $500,000. In 1932 between 250–275,000 people lost their homes to foreclosure.