1-word processor
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5-database Program
Jansenism was a theological movement within Catholicism, primarily active in France, that emphasized original sin, human depravity, the necessity of divine grace and predestination. The movement originated from the posthumously published work of the Dutch theologian Cornelius Jansen, who died in 1638. It was first popularized by Jansen's friend Abbot Jean du Vergier de Hauranne, of Saint-Cyran-en-Brenne Abbey, and, after du Vergier's death in 1643, was led by Antoine Arnauld. Through the 17th and into the 18th centuries, Jansenism was a distinct movement away from the Catholic Church. The theological center of the movement was the convent of Port-Royal-des-Champs Abbey, which was a haven for writers including du Vergier, Arnauld, Pierre Nicole, Blaise Pascal and Jean Racine
The new Latin American countries formed republics influenced by governments in Europe and the United States.
The purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1804-1806 was the first American expedition to explore the west, and map the newly acquired territory. They also wanted to find a practical route, and establish themselves. Studying the wildlife - plants, animals, etc - and establish trade with local indians was also an objective of the expedition!
The First Crusade was highly successful, while the Second was not is correct .