But once he did, things would never be the same. ... Islam spread throughout the Middle East and into Europe until 732. Soon thereafter, European Christians began the Crusades, a campaign of violence against Muslims ... 800 years of violence and expulsion of Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula after the failed Crusades.
In late October 1959, Lumumba, as leader of the MNC, was arrested for inciting an anti-colonial riot in Stanleyville; 30 people were killed
Option: sophisticated courtly life
Mongols recognised as Nomadic from the eastern plain lands in Asia that created an empire under Genghis Khan. He was able to establish an empire by joining the clans of the steppe under his power. The Mongols ruled most of Eastern Europe, Russia, Asia and the Middle East. The Mongols extended their empire using quick and crucial attacks with equipped and disciplined troops. Mongol was known as the best horseback fighter in their time. They cleared out the inhabitants of entire towns and seizing the crops and cattle from others.
To enforce and implement laws made by the Congress.
Calhoun had resigned decided Vice Presidency to run for the Senate where he could more effectively defend nullification, Jackson signed into law the Tariff of 1832. This compromise tariff received the support of most northerners and half of the southerners in Congress.