The 2018 publication of a book "<u>The Mediatization of the Artist</u>" written by various writers included a chapter titled "In Bed with Marina Abramovi: Mediatizing Women's Art as Personal Drama" written by Marcel Bleuler.
The recent methods used to mediate popular performance artist Marina Abramovic and the stories built up around her work of arts are covered in this chapter of Bleuler's book. The author argues that Abramovic uses the narrative as part of her image strategy and analyzes paradigmatic projections of a romantic need onto female artists, primarily in film.
Marina Abramovic's famous live performance art during 2010 attracted nearly a million visitors to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). While Abramovic attempted to rationalize this hysteria by demonstrating the psycho-neurological significance of her "art" through scientific means, Marcel Bleuler contended that the hysteria stemmed from a rhetoric about the performance that was too profound and that spread over time and through various media, following a common pattern in the mediatization of female artists: the ambiguous attention as a remedy for an unmet need to be appreciated.
<em>Image: "Marina Abramović during her "The Artist Is Present" show at the Museum of Modern Art</em>
Learn more about Marina Abramovic:
As a movement, environmental art emerged in the 1960s when famous individuals such as Nils Udo, Jean-Max Albert and Piotr Kowalski paved the way for this form of art expression. They have been continuously creating environment-related work since then thus spreading the ideas of environmental art.
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