Answer:Federal courts can declare laws passed by Congress unconstitutional. If the Supreme Court rules that a law is unconstitutional, Congress can revise the law, write a new one, or propose amendments (changes) to the U.S. Constitution. Changes must be ratified by three quarters of the states.
A: 2334 - 2215
The Akkadians were ancient group of people from the Semitic linguistic group. They started to thrive in Mesopotamia but not by war and overtaking the Summers., but instead they created a symbiosis. The Akkadians started to adopt lot of cultural traits from the Summers, while the Summers started to adopt the Akkadian language. The Akkadians quickly became dominant and after several military conquests they managed to control pretty much all of the valley of Tigris and Euphrates and its surroundings.
Defining important terms from a text
Industrialization in the continent of Europe spread from started in the 19th century. It started from the great Britain and slowly spread over the entire continent.
Industrialization was one of the greatest reforms. Human labor turned into mechanical labor solved half of the human problems. Industrialization which started from Great Britain slowly and steady spread over the entire continent.
The reason why industrialization began was because Britain had an abundance of coal. This led to the production of coal and hence economic stability was seen. This eventually led to the increase in its population.