Trash cans, benches, and picnic tables: are the park equipment needed.
The guidelines state that the phrase preceding the colon should be able to stand on its own as a sentence. The phrase "Trash cans, benches, and picnic tables" is not an independent clause.
Nonfiction include formal and informal essays, speeches, letters, diaries, journals, biographies, magazine articles, and newspaper stories.
Hope that helps :)
What cone we need an image
He alone knew how deep was the deluded man's chagrin at the failure of the little plot which he fancied was prospering finely
"He's so unreliable!" she said crossly.
Since I learned shorthand, I can take dictation at eighty words a minute.
The magazine was read quite widely even by some of the hierarchy"
I gasped at the impertinence of the suggestion
With the rapture of great winds to blow
The firefighters would pass buckets to each other to extinguish the blaze. ... On October 9, 1871 the infamous "Chicago Fire" killed 300 people, but there was an even more tragic fire that same day that killed 1200 ... What is the Star of Life?