la Historia del Arte, el tiempo y el esfuerzo que he invertido ... nos a partir del siglo III a.C., se desarrolla la cultura clásica, llamada así por ... los palacios y, dentro de éstos, en sus artes figurativas .
Glucose is the main reducing sugar, and lysine is one of the highest amino acid concentration in chicken meat and also the most reactive amino acid in the Maillard reaction.
in,Glucose the amino acid in the meat reacts with reducing sugar to produce flavor
Cropping, anti-aliasing
, imperfection/contrast
In a nutshell, the downsampling technique is used to reduce the aliasing effect on images, once several anti-aliasing techniques available are still insufficient. In general, Anti-Aliasing technologies "create", repeat or simulate pixels around objects.
The higher the ISO the more light the image has