"Hello Samantha," Trevor excitedly shouted.
"Hi, Trevor," responded Samantha.
"Want to go to the ice cream shop with me later," Trevor inquired energetically.
"No, I have dance practice later," she said in a somber tone, "I might be able to this weekend, though."
"It is official-- this weekend we will go to the ice cream shop," Trevor declared.
The characters then went their separate, both looking forward to the fun that they will have this weekend.
Jeanne and her family feared that they would be the victims of violence when they returned to California.
The chosen work of art is the painting "Sowing" by the artist William Johnson.
"Sowing" is a hostoric painting, created by the artist William johnson that shows the lives of black farmers and the challenges of this profession.
The artist uses irregular lines and angular figures with different angles and proportions together with a combination of strong colors, which show a simple but unpredictable life, full of challenges, tensions and insecurities. However, the painter softens all these things with a simplistic design, but strong and flashy.
Srimati’s beauty attracts the attention of a wealthy man. Without someone to protect her, she gives in to temptation and deserts her home and son.
In "The Poison Tree," the author develops the theme that beauty without morality is dangerous. In this story, we see that Srimati is a very beautiful woman, and this leads her to attract the attention of a wealthy man. She has no one to protect her, which means that she ends up giving in to temptation. This, moreover, leads her to abandon the house of Surja's father and her son Tara Charan.